How Much Do Hair Stylists Make a Year, per Day, and Hour

How Much Do Hair Stylists Make a Year, per Day, and Hour

Nothing compares to the feeling of having brand-new, flawlessly styled hair when you leave the salon. And it couldn’t happen without the talent and skills of a skilled hairstylist. How much money do hairdressers make, though?

We have the information you need, whether you’re considering changing careers or are simply curious.

This article will examine the salaries of hair stylists. Make sure you stay until the end so we can discuss some of the finest and worst aspects of the job.

How Much Do Hair Stylists Make?

An annual compensation range of $25,000 to $75,000 is typical for hairstylists. This often equates to $16 to $35 per hour. Remember that these ranges represent typical salaries.

Time FrameAverage Salary
Per Year$25,000 – $75,000
Per Day$128 – $280
Per Hour$16 – $35

The precise wage a hairstylist receives depends on the number of hours worked, the services provided, and the number of clients seen. Additionally, it varies greatly depending on where the salon is.

Where Do Hair Stylists Get Paid the Most?

As we previously indicated, location has a significant impact on the pay of hairstylists. Small, rural villages frequently have much lower wages for hairdressers than suburban or larger locations.

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