How to Deliver to Customers Who are far Away from You

As you know in every business there are some cautions to follow to avoid failures. We understand
that in every ten Africans, one could be undergoing mental health issues. That is why some people
who have seen the price of an item online before placing an order will still ask you for the price. To
avoid losing money for transport especially when the customer is a bit far away from you, here are
the tips to work with.

1.       Listen to the customer’s voice. From the responses, you can read the body language. A
question like “What is a Nose Hair Trimmer?” shouldn’t come from a customer who ordered for a
Nose Hair Trimmer. A couple of other responses should help you to know if the customer is positive
or not.
2.       Make sure you mention the price when you call. If the customer begins to bargain, it is a red
flag because he/she saw the price and accepted it before placing the order.
3.       Watch out for the eagerness level. Note that some customers are more eager than others. If a
customer’s keenness is too low, it may not be a good business after all. A customer who truly needs
the product will be happy to hear from you when you call.
4.       Ask the customer for a definite appointment time and venue (usually in an open and safe
place) that is convenient for him/her. You cannot afford to arrive at the destination and you hear “I
am not around, come back later.”

If you follow the above tips, I believe you will minimize the waste of transportation costs. Don’t
worry about one bad customer so much because we will always send you more customers that will
make you smile.


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